
At this time, we have no central Organizer in the Louisville area and are unable to collect and distribute burritos for the time being.

Our life’s blood as an organization is a steady flow of volunteers like yourselves! Without you, we don’t have enough burritos, nor do we have enough folks to deliver them in our community. Our community benefits from not just the hot food that we provide, with your help, but also from the companionship and relationships that we seek to build with each ride. Without your help, we aren’t riding and building the friendships. There are A LOT of ways that you can volunteer. “Like” us on the Facebook and Share us on your news feeds to help get the word out!

As of now, we serve primarily in an ad hoc fashion, mostly encouraging folks to make burritos and deliver them to Harmony House in Huntington, WV. Before we get to where we can deliver food, we’ll need a lot more volunteers on the roster. It takes a pretty hefty effort, spread out over a lot of people, to make this thing happen each time we provide burritos. Tell your friends, classmates, activity groups, coworkers.

If riding or making burritos aren’t your thing, we have other ways to serve. Once COVID-19 is under control in Huntington, we’ll be looking for people to help work on bicycles at the ReBicycle shop too.

4 Responses to Volunteer!

  1. ricky says:

    Looking to help however i can. Im from bloomington and am looking for a charity feild trip. How can i help on days that dont happn to be a saturday.

  2. Harrison Cabral says:

    I would like to ride this Saturday, April 11.

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