ReBicycle Shop Progress

Just a quickie post to update you on the progress down at the ReBicycle shop, in downtown Huntington. You’ve probably read about our story in the Herald Dispatch this morning? Well tonight I met up with Edison, Richard, and Aaron to do some work on the shop itself. Not 20 minutes after we got started I got called away to shuttle two sick children to the urgent care (little flu-ish, but mostly okay!). I sheepishly slinked out, feeling badly that those guys were left with the heavy lifting, but man they did an AWESOME job! Check the photos… The panoramic app that I was using on my iPhone (360 Panorama) caused a couple of areas to blur together, but overall I think they capture the improvements that this guys threw down for ReBicycle! Come see it in person sometime, we’d love to say “Hey!”

We decided that the best use of space for us, as we get more bikes and prioritize what to work on first, would be to create a hanging row above and then be able to park bikes below, similarly oriented towards the wall. Nailed it. They even tailored the tiles around the chain, I probably would have just removed the affected panels… 🙂pana1

We also have a bunch of wheels, in varied states of disrepair with a couple of gems in there somewhere, and had to figure out how to store those too. Enter 2″x6″ beam with vinyl garage storage hooks spaced 6 inches apart. I had only picked up 10 hooks, but thanks to the guys the holes are pre-drilled for 14 more! (Like our milk crate stools??)pana3

Work space… Storage space… AND we were contacted today by someone (Bre!) who would like to donate the pegboard for us to get our slowly growing tools/parts collection organized. (Still gotta figure out what to do with that ungainly pile of tires. Especially since half of them are probably fairly dry-rotted…)pana4

Better view of the hanging rack. (Don’t mind all the junk beneath the bikes. Last vestiges of the former occupant. We’re just waiting for it to be picked up and taken away.)photo 1-1

Closer view of wheelsphoto 2-1

Graphically interesting from outside, a view from the 3

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