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So, Dave Lavender has been romancing us to do a story on ReBicycle since it was first mentioned, some months ago. I was able to hold him at bay just long enough to get moved into our shop and then he was back, pen at the ready. We were pretty excited to wake up this morning and see our story in the Herald Dispatch! And by we, I mean myself and especially Brennan, who was particularly excited to wake up “famous.” The BR has been in the news a few times and every time Brennan is all about it. 🙂

The Burrito Riders see ReBicycle as a way to bridge the divide between “mercy” and “justice.” Mercy, as we view it, refers to the provision of short-term relief, a brief respite from suffering, if that’s not overstating it. We look at justice as an opportunity for us to provide a longer-term benefit to the community we serve. The hot burritos, which are central to the Burrito Riders’ mission, are wonderful for folks to have, especially when the weather is sour, but within a couple of hours we know that they’ll be hungry again. When my friend, and Louisville Burrito Rider, Ryan donated that first bicycle, rehabbed in his basement workshop, we saw the potential for helping people improve their situations.

Homeless people walk. And walk and walk… To be able to hand them a bike, empowering them to get around faster and to be able to independently get to work or reach appointments, is for some folks crucial. To provide opportunities for them to earn that bicycle is a huge benefit that goes beyond just the individual receiving it. The pride in ownership, the ability to be of benefit to their peers and neighbors, and the assistance to agencies like Harmony House.

Anyway, check out today’s story and feel free to pass it along, initial response has been positive! We are always looking for burritos, volunteers, resources, and funding so there are several ways to serve with us.

Also, feel free to check out some of our previous press adventures!

Louisville NPR affiliate WFPL –

Huntington’s Herald Dispatch –

Marshall University’s Parthenon –

Marshall University’s Parthenon –

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